TOAST UI Chart 4.0 Released — A MIT licensed chart library equally suited for vanilla JavaScript, Vue or React use cases. It's responsive, easy to theme, and now dependency free meaning it clocks in at just 67KB gzipped. It now supports live updating of charts across several chart types too. Want demos? Here's lots of demos and the GitHub repo. NHN Corp | undefined vs. null Revisited — Most languages include a concept of a 'non-value' (often called null or nil ) but JavaScript has two in the form of undefined and null . Dr. Axel analyzes their differences and where and why they're used. Dr. Axel Rauschmayer | Deno 1.7 Released — Node's younger cousin comes boasting new features and improvements. A big update is that deno compile (which lets you compile complete JavaScript apps to a single executable) is more efficient with support for cross compilation and ~60% reduced compiled size. → Via our Deno newsletter. Bartek Iwańczuk and Luca Casonato | Find Your Next Job Through Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It's free for job-seekers. Hired | 📖 Articles, Opinion & Tutorials | Creating Custom RxJS Operators — RxJS is a key part of Angular (though it can be used separately to it too) and it provides a powerful way to work with data using pipelines and operators. So what if you want to create an operator of your own..? Tane Piper | supported by  | | RunJS: A JavaScript 'Scratchpad' Desktop Tool — Write and run JavaScript (or TypeScript!) instantly whether to learn, test, create screencasts or explanatory tweets, or just fiddling around generally. Available for macOS, Windows, and Linux. It's seen a few releases since we first mentioned it over a year ago. Luke Haas | CKEditor 5 v25.0.0 Released — A very long-standing GPL-licensed (with commercial option) WYSIWYG HTML editor control (demos here) has introduced annotations (for collaborative editing) and improved formatting of large text blocks. Bartek Biedrzycki and Anna Tomanek | |
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