React Status Your weekly React news digest, every Wednesday ▶ Discovering Next.js with Guillermo Rauch — A 35-minute interview with Guillermo Rauch, CEO and co-founder of Vercel, about the React-powered Next.js framework, its benefits for front-end engineers, and where its speed and quality benefits come from. There's a written transcript too if you'd prefer. Semaphore Uncut Podcast podcast | How to Create React Components with TypeScript — While TypeScript still doesn't make up the majority of React-related code out there, it's nonetheless increasing in popularity and this tutorial aims to take away the 'fear' of using it by showing how a modest investment of your time can pay dividends in type-safety and autocompletion. Felix Gerschau | The Definitive Guide to Feature Management — Feature management is a new class of software development tools/techniques powered by feature flags. A feature management platform like LaunchDarkly fills the gaps of conventional feature toggles. Learn the ins & outs of feature management today. LaunchDarkly | Find Your Next Job Through Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It's free for job-seekers. Hired | Timed Finite State Machines with React and XState — Starting with an easy-to-understand and well-illustrated example, the author introduces the functionality and value of timed finite state machines and then walks through their implementation. Altrim Beqiri | On Prop Drilling — What it is, why it's good, why it's bad, and how to avoid common problems with it Kent C Dodds | supported by  | | React Currency Input Field Component — You can't completely internationalize your application without dealing with all the nuances of the way currencies are expressed and manipulated. Chun-Kit Chan | React Native Calendars — It's been a long time since we featured this popular library (2017, to be precise) so we thought it was high time we featured it again. Wix Engineering | ⚡️ Quick Bits: Interesting projects which you may have missed: | | |
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