Sparkplug: V8's Non-Optimizing JavaScript Compiler — When you wonder just where the V8 team will pull out a few more % of performance improvements, they come up with something :-). Their new 'super-fast non-optimizing compiler' in V8 v9.1 sits in between the existing interpreter and TurboFan compiler engines and brings another 5-15% boost to benchmarks. Firefox has had a similar concept in the shape of the baseline interpreter. Leszek Swirski (V8 Team) | TypeScript 4.3 Released — Just a couple of weeks after the beta comes the real deal with a rather long feature list: - An
override keyword to explicitly define overriding methods. - A
--noImplicitOverride flag to make it an error to override methods in superclasses without using the aforementioned override . - Template string type improvements.
- Methods and accessors can now be given private names, e.g.
get #someValue() . -
static index signatures. - And, yes, a lot more.
Daniel Rosenwasser (Microsoft) | Jest 27 Released, Complete with Some New Defaults — Jest has 'flipped some switches' and introduced some new defaults you'll want to be aware of if you use the popular testing framework. You can now also interactively step through failed tests one at a time, get inline snapshots without using Prettier, and you get much faster initialization times than Jest 26 too. Tim Seckinger | Quick Bits Releases fabric.js 4.5 — JS Canvas framework (and SVG to Canvas parser). Chart.js 3.3 — Simple, flexible JS charting. xstyled 3.0 — CSS-in-JS framework built for React. Cypress 7.4.0 — Testing system. ESLint 7.27.0 — Find and fix problems in your JavaScript. | 📖 Articles, Opinions & Tutorials | A Thorough Analysis of CSS-in-JS — I feel too old-fashioned to fully buy into writing CSS alongside my JavaScript (sorry!) but Andrei does a good job at selling the benefits and compares some approaches. Andrei Pfeiffer | The Modern Guide to React State Patterns — At one stage, you could basically just say 'use Redux' but there are so many options now, and this guide flies through a few approaches. Fredrik Strand Oseberg | supported by  | | NocoDB: An Open Source Airtable-a-Like — Airtable is a popular commercial spreadsheet-database service that we even use here at Cooperpress to help put the newsletters together. This is a flexible and surprisingly good looking open source pastiche with a Vue powered frontend. nocodb team | |
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