❓ If you're unfamiliar with ECMAScript as a term, it's the name of the generic, standardized language behind JavaScript implementations, as JavaScript is technically a trademark of the Oracle Corporation. Longer explanation. | New Course on Web Components — "Web Components are one of the most exciting new technologies on the web platform today." ~Dave Rupert. Learn to create your own custom web components using JavaScript and the Lit library in this course. Frontend Masters | What the React Team is Working On Now — With the React 18 launch behind them, the React team has turned their attention to the future and this post gives some detailed hints of what's going on. It's not a road map, though, and they stress that some of what's discussed many not even materialize as-is. The React.js Team | IN BRIEF: -
The beta of TypeScript 4.8 is here, complete with performance improvements and, as usual, a handful of intricately geeky type inference enhancements. -
💰 The company behind Deno has raised $21m in a series A funding round. The money will help them take the V8 isolates-based Deno Deploy service to the next level. -
🤭 Why choose one JavaScript CDN when you can make them all fight it out? -
Vue 2.7 is in beta. "2.7," you say? Some Vue 3 features have been backported and it's aimed at folks who need to stay on Vue 2.x due to dependencies. -
🤖 GitHub Copilot, an 'AI pair programmer' of sorts, is now generally available after a long preview phase. It's pretty effective, if controversial. In related news, Amazon has unveiled its own attempt called Amazon CodeWhisperer which, too, supports JavaScript. RELEASES: Angular ESLint 14.0 FontKit 2.0– Advanced font engine for Node and the browser. melonJS 11.0 – 2D sprite-based game engine. Fastify 4.1 – Popular low overhead Node web framework. Capacitor 3.6 – Build cross-platform native apps with JS. Partytown 0.6.2 – Relocate intensive code into Web Worker threads. Gatsby 4.17 React Native 0.69 – Hello React 18 support! | Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It's free for job-seekers. Hired | | Precise Timing with the Web Animations API — Working with timers in JavaScript can quickly get complicated. Kirill takes a look at how the Web Animations API could eliminate the need for such timers in certain cases. Kirill Myshkin | Puppeteer 15.0: Control Headless Chrome from Node — Playwright has picked up a lot of the browser control market in recent years, but the popular Chrome-oriented Puppeteer remains a fantastic option if you don't need to support multiple browsers. It now uses Chromium 103 and supports Node 18. Google | 😍 A lovely splash of paint.. | We're ❤️ing ESLint's All New Homepage — ESLint is a hugely popular linter for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript and v8.18.0 has just been released. Even better, though, is their all new Web site forged from several months of work. It's rather slick and even includes a fantastic photo of Addy Osmani. ESLint Project | |
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