A Proposed JS Feature: Extractor Objects — Entering stage one at the latest TC39 meeting is a proposal for being able to define your own logic (such as data validation or transformation) to run as part of the object destructuring process. A proposal worth reviewing. Ecma TC39 / Ron Buckton | Hello World. Caching. Globally. Simplified. — PolyScale connects to your current database and executes your queries at the edge, for low global latency. Plug-and-play with Postgres, MySQL, MariaDB, MS SQL. PS: we also invalidate automatically 😉 PolyScale.ai | RELEASES: Glide 3.6 – Dependency-free slider and carousel control. React Calendar 3.9 – Powerful calendar component. Qwik 0.9 – The low-JS HTML-first framework. Electron 20.2 | Type-Level TypeScript: The Basics — A beautifully presented guide to types, complete with challenges to solve. While 11 'chapters' are promised to take you 'from intermediate to advanced', only the first two are currently available. They cover the fundamentals of what types of types TypeScript makes available to us. Gabriel Vergnaud | Rest vs Spread Syntax: ... vs ... — Quick: what's the difference between ... and ... ? Trick question. While they look the same, two different things can be represented by them. Amit Merchant | Japa: An Alternative Testing Framework for Node — Coming from the same team as AdonisJS (a Node.js web framework), Japa slides into your existing workflows with no build tool requirements. You get first-class support for OpenAPI schema driven testing of endpoints, dataset driven tests, and a VS Code extension. AdonisJS Team | ⚡️ OTHER QUICK RELEASES: -
ws 8.9 ↳ Simple & fast WebSocket client and server for Node.js. -
Semgrep 0.114 ↳ Multi-language static analysis tool. Think grep for syntax. -
Flat 6.0 – Flatten/unflatten nested objects. -
React Joyride 2.5.3 – Create guided tours for apps. -
Mantine 5.4 – Extensive React component library. | Senior UI Dev — Join us and innovate with MicroFrontends, custom Node tools, build systems (Webpack/GitHub Actions), TypeScript, React, and more with a11y and DX in mind. Vertex Inc | Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It's free for job-seekers. Hired | | 🚗 Fancy a late night drive? | In Nightdrive, James Stanley gives us both a visual experience of driving at night and an explanation of how it works. It's a simple idea put to good effect, though if you want something more intense, try Rezmason's Drivy.. 😁 While we're having some fun down here: over on Twitter, Nils Eriksson decided to get crafty and 🐦 implemented Tic-Tac-Toe in TypeScript types (known as 'noughts and crosses' in my kingdom) and wrote an extensive blog post about it. XOX. Till next week! – Peter Cooper, your editor. | |
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