JavaScript Vocoder Puccini

Plus the State of JavaScript survey is open, Rails comes to JavaScript, and Firebase invests in Vue. |

#​616 — November 25, 2022

Read on the Web

Together with  GrapeCity

JavaScript Weekly

The State of JavaScript 2022 Survey is Open — JavaScript's most popular annual survey is open once again. The results (2021's, for example) are always fascinating to see, so go share your knowledge so we can see where JavaScript is headed. There's a 'guest' mode so you can take part anonymously this year without having to sign up.


🦕 Building Apps in Deno with Frameworks — Deno, perhaps best known as the server-side JS runtime that isn't Node, had a big release last week adding first-class npm package support. This opens up a lot of opportunities for more easily using Deno to create, say, React, Express or Vue apps, and this post shows off how.

Andy Jiang (Deno)

Advanced JavaScript Datagrid & Spreadsheet Components — Wijmo brings you lightweight, high-performing, framework-agnostic JavaScript components like datagrids. SpreadJS delivers a true Excel-like spreadsheet component for JS applications. Our solutions are modularized to add only what you need.

GrapeCity sponsor

Script Kit: JS-Based Workflow Scripting — A tool for creating and running scripts (in JavaScript) that solve your daily problems, like launching things, manipulating images or text, moving apps around or, well, hundreds of things. It can load in npm packages on the fly, too, so you're not restricted in what you can do. Focused on macOS but with an alpha preview build for Windows.

John Lindquist



  • Axios 1.2
    ↳ Long standing promise-based HTTP client API.

  • Prettier 2.8
    ↳ Popular code formatter.

  • Opal 1.6
    ↳ Ruby to JavaScript transpiler.

  • tRPC 10
    ↳ End-to-end type-safe APIs made easy.

📒 Articles & Tutorials

Machine Learning with Unix Pipes and JavaScript — Built on top of the Bun runtime, this post shows off how JavaScript and the Shumai tensor library can be used in Unix-y style for ML from the command line. Love this sort of experimentation!

Bram Wasti

A Guide to Keyboard Accessibility from JavaScript — The first article in this series looked at HTML and CSS accessibility, and this second entry focuses on what you can do in JavaScript to improve the experience for keyboard-oriented users.

Cristian Diaz

▶  Your Source for Candid Chats on Product, Business & Leadership — Join Postlight leaders & guests as they discuss topics like running great meetings & creating solid product launches.

The Postlight Podcast sponsor

Optimizing a Vue.js App — Covers some basic ideas to keep in mind when building Vue apps.

Michelle Barker

Producing Native ES Modules on Node.js with TypeScript — First appearing in 2021, this handy blog post from JavaScript's resident doctor has undergone a 2022 update.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

React Native in 2022 and Beyond — Summarizes the latest developments in React Native and where it's headed next.

Zain Sajjad

How We Lost Our Slick New Package Name (And Then Got It Back) — The developer behind 'React Flow' was given access to the 'reactflow' package on npm but when he came to publish his package things got messy due to existence of a 'react-flow' package.

Moritz Klack

Creating a 2D Physics Engine from Scratch in JavaScript

Dependency Injection in JavaScript
Jerry Ejonavi

🛠 Code & Tools

TwClassed: Type-Safe Library for Reusable Tailwind Components — If you'd like to build components using Tailwind CSS and have them be type-safe, this is for you. Happy with vanilla JS or in React (via a wrapper). This post explains why the author created it. GitHub repo.

Sanna Jammeh

JavaScript Scratchpad for VS Code (2m+ Downloads), Now Supports Vite — Quokka.js, the #1 tool for exploring and testing JavaScript/TypeScript. See runtime values and errors in your editor.

Wallaby.js sponsor

Eruda 2.6: A Console for Mobile Browsers — If you're in a situation where you have no access to DevTools, you can add Eruda to your page and it provides a sort of virtual devtools you can use from any browser, including on mobile.


Ant Design 5.0: Enterprise-Class Design Language and React UI Library — New components, a calmer more modern styling, and improved dynamic theming options are now in this popular, mature UI suite. Already an Ant user? There's a v4 to v5 migration guide.Official homepage.

Ant Design Team

Hyperstack: A New Rails-Inspired Node.js Web Framework — A fresh take on the idea of bringing something like Ruby on Rails into the JavaScript world. Tread carefully; the paint is still fresh.

Dotan Nahum

React Authentication, Simplified

Userfront sponsor

Slim Select 2.0: An Advanced Select Dropdown Control

Brian Voelker

jxl.js: A WebAssembly-based JPEG XL Decoder

niu tech

💻 Jobs

Software EngineerStimulus is a social platform started by Sticker Mule to show what's possible if your mission is to increase human happiness. Join our engineering team.

Senior Frontend Engineer (EU Remote or relocate to Berlin) — We've built a product thousands of people love (see Trustpilot if you don't believe us). We need your help with React & TypeScript.

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It's free for job-seekers.

🎤 And one for fun..

Dittytoy: JavaScript-Based Generative Music Sandbox — This is a fun online, JavaScript-based audio playground of sorts. Here we begin with some vocoder Puccini, but there's also Super Mario, techno, and a clarinet to enjoy. Quirky and fun idea.


