A new jQuery release for Xmas

Plus this is the final issue of 2022. Merry Christmas! |

#​619 — December 16, 2022

Read on the Web

🎄 This is the final issue of the year – we'll be back on January 6, 2023. We hope you have a fantastic holiday season, whether or not you are celebrating, and we'll see you for a look back at 2022 in the first week of January :-)
Peter Cooper and the Cooperpress team

Together with  ButterCMS

JavaScript Weekly

Announcing SvelteKit 1.0Svelte is a virtual DOM-free, compiled ahead of time, frontend UI framework with many fans. SvelteKit introduces a framework and tooling around Svelte to build complete webapps. This release post explains some of its approach and how it differs to other systems.

The Svelte Team

Dr. Axel Tackles Two Proposals: Iterator Helpers and Set Methods — Here's something to get your teeth into! Dr. Axel takes on two promising ECMAScript proposals and breaks down what they're about and why they'll (hopefully) become useful to JavaScript developers. The first tackles iterator helpers (new utility methods for working with iterable data) and the second tackles Set methods which will extend ES6's Set object.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

🧈 Retire your Legacy CMS with ButterCMS — ButterCMS is your new content backend. We're SaaS so we host, maintain, and scale the CMS. Enable your marketing team to update website + app content without needing you. Try the #1 rated SaaS Headless CMS for your JS app today. Free for 30 days.

🧈 ButterCMS sponsor

🏆  The Best of Node Weekly in 2022 — In this week's issue of Node Weekly (our Node.js-focused sister newsletter) we looked back at the most popular items of the year, including the Tao of Node, an array of JavaScript testing best practices, and the most popular Node.js frameworks in 2022.

Node Weekly Newsletter

jQuery 3.6.2 Released — Humor me. You might not be using jQuery anymore, but it's (still) the most widely deployed JavaScript library and it's fantastic to see it being maintained.

jQuery Foundation



📒 Articles & Tutorials

Why Cypress v12 is a Big Deal — A practical example-led love letter of sorts to how the latest version of the popular Cypress 'test anything that runs in a browser' library makes testing frontend apps smoother than before.

Gleb Bahmutov

Five Challenges to Building an Isomorphic JS Library — When it comes to JavaScript, "isomorphic" means code or libraries that run both on client and server runtimes with minimal adaptations.

Nick Fahrenkrog (Doordash)

▶  A Podcast for Candid Chats on Product, Business & Leadership — Join Postlight leaders & guests as they discuss topics like running great meetings & creating solid product launches.

The Postlight Podcast sponsor

Next, Nest, Nuxt… Nust?"This blog post is for everyone looking for their new favorite JavaScript backend framework." If the names of frameworks are all starting to blur together in your head, this is for you. Marius explains just what systems like Next and Gatsby do and touches on a few differences.

Marius Obert (Twilio)

Calculating the Maximum Diagonal Distance in a Given Collection of GeoJSON Features using Turf.js — This is cool. Turf.js is a geospatial analysis library, by the way.

Piotr Jaworski

Optimize Interaction to Next Paint — How to optimize for the experimental Interaction to Next Paint (INP) metric — a way to assess a page's overall responsiveness to user interactions.

Jeremy Wagner & Philip Walton (Google)

Need to Upgrade to React 18.2? Don't Have Time? Our Experts Can Help — Stuck in dependency hell? We've been there. Hire our team of experts to upgrade deps, gradually paying off tech debt.

UpgradeJS.com - JavaScript Upgrade Services by OmbuLabs sponsor

How We Configured pnpm and Turborepo for Our Monorepo
Pierre-Louis Mercereau (NHost)

Rendering Emails with Svelte
Gautier Ben Aim

🛠 Code & Tools

Wretch 2.3: A Wrapper Around fetch with an Intuitive Syntax — A long standing, mature library that makes fetch a little more extensible with a fluent API. Check the examples.

Julien Elbaz

SWR 2.0: Improved React Hooks for Data Fetching — The second major release of SWR (Stale-While-Revalidate) includes new mutation APIs, new developer tools, as well as improved support for concurrent rendering.

Ding, Liu, Kobayashi, and Xu

Don't Let Your Issue Tracker Be a Four-Letter Word. Use Shortcut

Shortcut (formerly Clubhouse.io) sponsor

vanilla-tilt.js 1.8: A Smooth 3D Tilting Effect Library — No dependencies and simple to use and customize. GitHub repo.

Șandor Sergiu

visx: Airbnb's Low Level Visualization React Components — Bring your own state management, animation library, or CSS-in-JS.. visx can slot into any React setup. Demos.


Scene.js 1.7: A CSS Timeline-Based Animation Library — Plenty of examples on the site. Has components for React, Vue and Svelte.


💻 Jobs

Software Engineer — Join our "kick ass" team. Our software team operates from 17 countries and we're always looking for more exceptional engineers.

Developer Relations Manager — Join the CKEditor team to build community around an Open Source project used by millions of users around the world 🚀

Find JavaScript Jobs with Hired — Create a profile on Hired to connect with hiring managers at growing startups and Fortune 500 companies. It's free for job-seekers.

🎁 And one for fun

Snow.js: Add a Snow Effect to a Web Page — Well, it's that time of the year (in some parts of the world!) If you're more interested in how the effect is made, it's inspired by this CodePen example built around some fancy CSS.

Or if you're a bit more childish, you could always put Fart.js on your site.. 🙈

Merry Christmas to you all and we'll see you again in 2023!

