Material UI v6: The Popular React UI Design/Component System — At almost exactly ten years old, the MUI design system has its latest major release. The enhancements are more evolutionary than revolutionary though, with a focus on improved theming, color scheme management, container query support, and React 19 support. There are also some revamped templates to help you get started. García, Bittu, Andai, et al. | 💡 If you're on MUI v5, there's a handy guide for upgrading to v6 which the team suggests "shouldn't be too bad" to do. | Implementing a React-a-Like from Scratch — While it's unlikely you'll actually want to do this, at least thinking about it can prove instructive as to what's going on in React's engine room. Robby Pruzan | Front-End System Design — Learn to create scalable, efficient user interfaces in this extensive video course by Evgennii Ray. Explore the box model, browser rendering, DOM manipulation, state management, performance and much more. Frontend Masters | [Live Workshop] Solve frontend issues with backend solutions: tracing problems through your Next.js stack. 🔍 🚀Join React Advanced London on Oct 25 & 28! 60+ advanced React and Web Dev talks, workshops & networking. Use code React15 for 15% off! | | 🛠 Code, Tools & Libraries | Snaptail: One File React Apps — If you're still feeling a little overwhelmed by React, here's how to build an app by manipulating just one file. Sandro Rybarik | |
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